Enrich Kids Mind


Wondered how a hardware device functions? Yes, Coding a pocket sized computer is also a fun way of exploring the real world applications which is brought to you by Micro:bits. Along with exciting games and animations, kids are exposed to many applications of real world tools.


  • Introduction to BBC micro:bit and Makecode editor, Description of various blocks, First program!
  • Starter projects – Beating heart, Name badge, Graphical dice
  • Fun games – Weather predictor, Swapping two numbers, Coin flipper
  • Rock, Paper, Scissors game using conditional statements
  • Power of variables, Simple calculator using variables, 7 seconds
  • Use of buttons in micro:bit, Project – Stopwatch, Snap the dot game
  • Introduction to sensors, Simple projects based on sensors – Light level, Footstep counter, Compass
  • Introduction to loops, Generating sequences using loops
  • Examples of loops with conditional statements
  • Crashy Bird game

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